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S přispěním programu Evropské unie LIFE - LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611




The International Association of Public Transport works to promote and support sustainable public transport & mobility in urban areas worldwide. UITP with a long history of more than 125 years to its name, is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes. 

Transport & Environment (T&E)

The European Federation for Transport and Environment, commonly referred to as Transport & Environment (T&E) is a European umbrella for non-governmental organisations working in the field of transport and the environment, promoting sustainable transport in Europe; which means an approach to transport that is environmentally responsible, economically sound and socially just.


European Platform on Mobility Management

EPOMM is the European Platform on Mobility Management, a network of governments in European countries that are engaged in Mobility Management (MM). They are represented by the Ministries that are responsible for MM in their countries. EPOMM is organised as an international non profit organisation with seat in Brussels.

World Road Association | PIARC

The World Road Association-PIARC was established in 1909. It brings together the road administrations of 122 governments and has members--individuals, companies, authorities and organizations--in over 140 countries.

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