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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611

Bill Gates 'Discovers' 14-Year-Old Formula on Climate Change

Bill Gates has 'discovered' a formula that can reduce the world's carbon dioxide emissions to zero. The truth is that this equation is not 'new' and as Bill Gates has already explained it is not easy to put in action this equation, since an "energy miracle" is required.
















Source: livescience

The LIFE GYM [LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611] project is co-funded by the LIFE programme, the EU financial instrument for the environment.


The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Start Date: 15 September 2015 – Duration: 35 months

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