With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611
Expected results (outputs and quantified achievements):
The following results are expected at implementation and impact level.
A database covering 70% of Greek public transport network for the 1st time.
Novel co-modal energy consumption and GHG emission calculation models for European public transport means.
An improved modelling and solution approach for the environmental co-modal vehicle routing problem, which is the basis for energy efficient sustainable transport.
Demonstration of the first national co-modal environmental public transport planner in Greece in 16 major cities and of a pan-European journey planner service via a web platform and a smart phone application replicated in at least 4 journey planners in EU countries (e.g. Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia).
Improved results and higher accuracy of the COPERT emission calculation software coordinated by the European Environment Agency (EEA) via the adoption of GYM models.
Became a useful tool for Greeks, tourists visiting Greece and students move in another city for studying.
Change the culture of the passengers and encourage them to shift their habits from using the car to using the public transport by promoting co-modal and environmentally efficient transport patterns.
Reduction of air pollution and emissions in cities: Reduction of at least 2,699 Mt CO2 eq. during the lifetime of the project (Action C1). Annual reductions in emissions in Greece using GYM could reach 2,980 Mt CO2 eq. after the end of the project.
Introduction of an integrated policy for sustainable urban mobility based on the efficient co-modality scheme and EU emission regulations at least in 5 countries via 5 journey planners within the funded period.
Seamless door-to-door urban mobility by creating the framework conditions and a strong mechanism of cooperation between stakeholders of different administrative level and transport operators. Share new scientific solutions and best practices in EU level and promoting the implementation of a Union air quality policy: 3 publications in scientific journals of high impact factor, 14 participations in conferences, one special issue collecting world-wide publications (at least 12) in a scientific journal of high impact factor, a book focusing on co-modal environmental journey planning.
Raise awareness on the environmentally-friendliest journey planning decisions and highlight the importance of co-modal transport, in terms of environmental impact via numerous dissemination actions targeting at least 100.000 persons in 12 EU countries.