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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611

The first electric bus in Sofia

The city of Sofia is introducing an electric bus in order to test its suitability for a larger-scale roll out. The Chinese-made Yutong bus started on January 15 and will be operating on the city’s No. 84 bus line until May.

The bus will travel between the city and Sofia Airport, one of the most polluted routes in the city. The bus can travel up to 300 km on a single charge, which is enough for its needs when operating in Sofia’s urban areas.

The new bus comes with the installation of a charging point which can fully charge the batteries of the bus in four to five hours.

Following the test, the municipality will come to a final decision on what kind of electric bus to introduce into its public transport fleet.

For more information: click here.

The LIFE GYM [LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611] project is co-funded by the LIFE programme, the EU financial instrument for the environment.


The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Start Date: 15 September 2015 – Duration: 35 months

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