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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611

Travel Smart – Think Smart, Travel Green: Smart Mobility Solutions for People and Cities, ECOMM 2016

   ECOMM - The European Conference on Mobility Management is addressed to a wide range of potential participants comprising representatives from professional and scientific communities in the Public and Private sectors as well as associations and individuals, enterprises and suppliers, involved in the mobility of people. Mobility Management is one of the core subjects in the transport sector enjoying highest priority by Transport Policy makers, Public Transport Authorities and Operators, non-motorized traffic enablers and promoters, high tech and innovative solutions designers and developers and social marketing firms and experts.

   The main theme of ECOMM 2016 is ‘Smart Solutions for People and Cities’ and it is about all those solutions, either classical or innovative ones, which make the everyday life of trip-makers easier and the cities function smarter.

    ECOMM 2016 focuses primarily on the mobility needs of persons and consequently on all policies, actions and applications which satisfy these needs. Solutions offered either by the public or the private sector that facilitate the users help them make choices in favour of Public Transport or other environmentally friendly modes and at the same time leave their private car at home, are in the core of ECOMM 2016 interests. Furthermore, it encompasses all these practices and applications that exploit the technology innovations and give a “smart” character in our every-day life. At the end, the attained goals should be achieved with the least possible cost taking into account the various political social and cultural changes that we all experience.

    The topics and sub-topics in ECOMM 2016 are the following:

  • Topic 1: Smart solutions for Cities

  • Topic 2: Mobility Management in a sharing Economy

  • Topic 3: Mobility as a Service (Smart Applications)

  • Topic 4: Policy transfer in Sustainable Mobility Planning

  • Topic 5: New ways in changing People’s Attitudes and Behaviour

  • Topic 6: Mobility campaigns: Design aspects and Implementation issues

  • Topic 7: Mobility Management with limited Budgets: From Problem to  Solution

  • Topic 8: Mobility Management affecting Land Use Planning

  • Topic 9: Current and Future Challenges in Mobility: From policy to implementation





The LIFE GYM [LIFE14 ENV/GR/000611] project is co-funded by the LIFE programme, the EU financial instrument for the environment.


The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


Start Date: 15 September 2015 – Duration: 35 months

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